Category: Photography

  • The Final Steps in HDR Photography Post Processing

    The Final Steps in Post Processing an HDR Photograph in Adobe Photoshop   After HDR processing our original bracketed photographs into a single HDR photograph, I find that the photo is usually does not match my vision. Just about every HDR photograph ends up spending a little bit of time in Photoshop. I tend to…

  • Creating the initial HDR Photograph

    Creating the initial HDR Photograph

    My Proceesing for Creating the initial HDR Photograph   Welcome back folks, this article is a follow up to a few other articles that I have been working on about how I create my HDR photographs. In this pose we are going to concentrate on the initial HDR processing. Once I have completed shooting my…

  • What do you need to get started in photography?

    Basic Camera and Accessory Suggestions for Getting Started in Digital Photography   I have been asked many times exactly what is needed to start out in digital photography. How much do I need to spend, and what items do I really need to buy? Start with the basics. You do not need to purchase the…

  • Shooting Brackets for HDR Photography

    Shooting Brackets for HDR Photography

    Creating the Proper Brackets for HDR Photography   Shooting. It all starts out in the field, when I decide that the landscape in front of me might be a good candidate for HDR photography. Once I have made this decision, I start getting setup for the shot. This comes down to 3 things – establishing…

  • How Do I Create an HDR Photograph?

    How Do I Create an HDR Photograph?

    Creating HDR Photogaphy   Over the past several months many of you have emailed and messaged, asking how I create my HDR photographs. When asked in the past I have hesitated to create an eBook or a tutorial. Why? Simply because there are so many of them out there that are really great! Sites like Farbspiel…