Category: Photography

  • Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point

    Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point

    Sunset Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point Beach, Rhode Island   One of the things that I love about photography is that I can get utterly lost in the moment. I like to arrive at a location early, turn on my iPod, and take some time to walk around and observe what is there. Often I…

  • After Sunset Try Night Photography

    After Sunset Try Night Photography

    Once Sunset is Over Use Your Camera Try a Little Night Photography   Photography is all about taking a single moment in time and recording it for a lifetime. Whether your are a photojournalist recording an event for the news, or you are a fine art landscape photographer capturing a feeling, it is always about…

  • Why I Love Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point

    Why I Love Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point

    Seascape Photography at Sakonnet Point Lighthouse   In photography so much is said about getting out and shooting in “good light”, and the “golden hour”. And the people who say it are right – the time of day can have such a huge impact on a photograph. The light in the hour before sunset and…

  • Photography is more then a Photograph

    How Photography Can be like Therapy   There are so many times with photography that I head out with my camera and a crystal clear vision in my mind of what I am trying to accomplish. I know what my subject will be, and I know what I want the final photograph to look like.…

  • An adventure in photography

    Over this summer I have taken on a new adventure with my photography, one which is going to cause me to grow, as both a person and as a photographer, in a very different way. I have taken on the role of president of my local photography club, The Photographic Society of Rhode Island! While…