Category: Photography

  • A Weekend of Amazing Photography – NECCC’s Annual Conference

    On a recent weekend this summer I had the good fortune to be able to attend the annual NECCC Photography Conference. For those of you that are not familiar with the group NECCC is the New England Camera Club Council. They are a non-profit umbrella group for 84 camera clubs in the New England states (Connecticut,…

  • 4th of July Fireworks in Rhode Island

    4th of July Fireworks in Rhode Island

    Rhode Island 4th of July Fireworks Photography   Are you in Rhode Island and looking to see some great fireworks for the 4th of July? Are you into photography, and looking to get some photographs of the fireworks in the night sky? Check out the fireworks display at India Point Park in Providence to see…

  • The Authentic New England Fishing Village of Galilee

    The Authentic New England Fishing Village of Galilee

    The New England Fishing Village of Galilee   Often when people think of New England, they think of the classic fishing villages that are depicted in fine art photography around the world. You can still find one such village, named Galilee, right here in Rhode Island. Galilee has many great memories for me. On one…

  • A new lighting setup to try for table top photography

    A new lighting setup to try for table top photography

    On a recent rainy Saturday afternoon I decided to take some time to experiment with a new lighting setup that I learned at a recent macro photography seminar. The idea is to surround the subject with light from all angles, so that the subject see the light as if from one giant light source. This…

  • Great little portrait retouching video from Scott Kelby

    Great little portrait retouching video from Scott Kelby

    Sometimes I stumble across the neatest things on the internet when I sit down and just wander around!  This morning the house was absolutely quiet, and I sat to surf with no purpose. A click here, a click there, away we go, and I found a real gem of a portrait retouching video from Photoshop guru Scott…