Category: Photography

  • Project52 – An assignment, a toothbrush and I am terrified!

    Project52 – An assignment, a toothbrush and I am terrified!

    Like many photographers I am often looking for new ways to challenge myself and grow my skills at my craft. I think a fellow photog said it best: “Anyone who claims to love their craft should have the discipline to try to learn it. Period.” There are so many things that I would like to…

  • Inspiration in Fine Art Photography

    How a Fellow Photographer Inspires My Fine Art Photography   A recent article on a photography blog got me thinking about the photographers that inspire me. Who are they, and why do I admire them? What makes their photography enjoyable to me? What draws me in to their photographs on a regular basis? Why is…

  • ISO and Creativity

    OK, well maybe ISO does not have nearly the impact on your creativity as the other exposure settings, Aperture and Shutter Speed. But it does have an impact, however limited, so it should be discussed.

  • Shutter Speed and Creativity

    Often times when we think of creativity and photography, the cameras shutter speed is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind. Maybe it should. To me, photography is all about capturing a moment in time, about grabbing onto a feeling and recording it forever. Many of the moments that we wish to record…

  • Aperture and Creativity

    In our last discussion we talked about the physical settings (aperture, shutter speed and ISO) that went into creating our one ideal exposure for a given scene. Hopefully you did the exercises and are now comfortable with changing your cameras settings, and have wrapped your mind around the relationship that exists between the 3 settings.…