Has a photograph ever made you feel?
The Story Has a photograph ever made you feel? I am talking about looking at a photograph and feeling something special, perhaps a connection to a childhood memory. Maybe a smile comes to your face as you recall a time spent at a spot similar to the one that you see. Very often when I…
What motivates this photographer you ask?
What really motivates me? As an active Rhode Island photographer, I participate in several online groups that are focused (pun fully intended!) on photography. In one group that I belong to we have weekly “challenges”, where we all share a photograph along a selected theme. The winner of a challenge gets to choose the next…
How a stranger changed my photography
The Power of a Photograph I recently received an email from a stranger that taught me a valuable lesson about the power of a single photograph. This email has actually changed how I think and feel about my own photography. I have been inspired by the works of many photographers, but it never sank in…
How a Photograph Can be the Story of a Life’s Journey
The story Standing on the beach one cold winter morning, it struck me how much alike a landscape and life could be. Both are full of challenges that try to prevent us from reaching our goals. That morning the waves were crashing hard along the rocky shore, spraying my camera and myself with a cool…
Lighthouse Photography Never Gets Old in the Ocean State
Photographing the Point Judith Lighthouse at Sunrise Chances are if you live anywhere in Rhode Island and own a camera then you have experimented a little bit with lighthouse photography. Maybe it was just informally on a family outing to one of the numerous parks around the state, but I bet you have a least one…