Change is a Constant

Night Photograph of the Big Dipper in the sky over a farm in New England

If there is one thing in life that is constant, it is change. Small changes, and large changes, some good and some bad happen to each of us, each day. As many of you may have noticed, I have not been updating my website nearly as often as I would like. Like with all of us, life sometimes just gets in the way. The last 6 months have seen a tremendous amount of change in my life, on both the personal and professional fronts.

Night Photograph of the Big Dipper in the sky over a farm in New England
Big Dipper Over the Farm

I lost a job, and found another one. I am working with a great technology, and with a great group of people. I am so excited about the opportunities in front of me. The learning curve has been steep and has taken up much of my free time, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. And that means that I will be back behind the camera capturing the beauty around me before you know it!

During this time I also lost my health, but have gotten that back as well. Physically I am feeling better then I have in years. Feeling strong and confident, I cannot wait to get back to doing some serious work with my camera!

Over the past 6 months I have learned a lot about who I am, both as a photographer and as a person. I have gotten to try many new things, and I have discovered how much I enjoy teaching! This summer I was fortunate to get to share my love of photography in one-on-one sessions, as well as getting to work with a partner leading workshops!

So what does that mean for my blog, and more importantly for you? It means that I will be sharing more with you! However, going forward sharing a photograph is going to be about more then sharing an image. It is going to be about sharing HOW I made the image. What is so exciting about this is that this is not going to be just another blog full of technical details. I encourage YOU the reader to send me your questions, and things that YOU would like to learn and I will try my best to incorporate them into the next post!

I am going to share what I was thinking, and why I made the decisions that I did. We will talk about all aspects of the photo – what I had in mind, how I planned the shot, what I did on location, as well as what I did in the digital darkroom.

Next Sunday I will post an article in which I will discuss the image that you see here, “Big Dipper Over the Farm”. We will talk about the importance of planning, and the approach that I took to create this photograph of the night sky in New England! Remember, email me your questions at and I will work them into the weekly posts!


I hope you will join me as we start a new adventure together!



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