Making Music with a Camera

Portrait photograph of a local guitar player name Kristin, taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley

Portrait photograph of a local guitar player name Kristin, taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley

Recently I had an opportunity to do a portrait session with a guitar player based out of New Hampshire. Just to give you some idea of the big sound that this little lady can create, take a minute and check out this sweet little video that she made. After that, pick your jaw up off the ground and come back to see her photos! We ended up taking a ton of photos that day, and had a really great time. We did some shots inside, we did some shot outside, some with her guitar, and others without. Some natural light, and others with a multitude of lights. And I think we came up with something good at every turn!

For the indoor images we used several different lighting setups, but my favorite by far was the clam-shell lighting setup, I just love the light that it produces for portraits. All of the outside images were created with natural light and a reflector to fill in the shadows a bit.

Portrait photograph of a local guitar player name Kristin, taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley
Kristin – The Rock Star

The one thing that I have repeatedly found is that when taking portraits of people you will find that they visibly relax when you give them something to do with their hands. Find something that both tells a little bit about the person and keeps their hands busy and  you will see a marked change in the images. In this case the young lady is an avid guitar player, and with the guitar in hand her fingers immediately  went to work, and she noticeably relaxed. At several times she actually seemed to forget that I was even their, closed her eyes and got lost in the music that she was making. Those turned out to be some of my favorite images.

I have included just a few images here, you can see a slideshow of the rest of them by clicking this little link. Thanks!

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