The Breakers Mansion

HDR photograph of The Breakers Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. Taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley

Architectural Photography at The Breakers Mansion in Newport


On a recent afternoon I had a chance to head down to Newport, Rhode Island for some Architectural Photography at The Breakers Mansion in Newport. Perhaps one of the more recognizable homes in Rhode Island, The Breakers Mansion is a 70 room mansion that sits on 13+ acres of land directly looking out onto the Atlantic Ocean.

HDR photograph of The Breakers Mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. Taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley
The Breakers Mansion – Newport, Rhode Island

Arriving later in the afternoon I was able to photograph the mansion in the warm golden light. The late day side light really helped reveal the shape and texture of this marvelous piece of architecture! The mansion was built between 1893 and 1895 at a cost of $12 million dollars. As beautiful as the mansion is from the outside, the inside is even more amazing. Unfortunately, even though the mansion is open to the public during tours, photography is not allowed. I would love to spend a day alone creating some amazing photography of the interior. From photographs of the grand rooms, to intimate photographs of the intricate details of intricate moldings.

For now photographing the interior is just a dream, but perhaps someday I will gain access to the inside of the mansion. In the meantime I will have to be satisfied with photography of the outside.


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