Project52 – Classical Music CD

Still Life photograph of a violin and sheet music for a CD cover. Taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley

Still Life photograph of a violin and sheet music for a CD cover. Taken by Rhode Island photographer Mike Dooley
Violin CD Cover

Every time I use my camera, I think I fall more in love with photography. It really allows me to express my creative side in ways that I never thought possible. One of the things that I am really enjoying about participating in Project52 is the assignments. The amount of thought that I am putting in to come up with an idea to match the assignment has been pleasantly surprising!

For assignment number 9, we had to create an image in a square format for use on a CD cover. The group was a string quartet and the image needed to include a cello, viola or a violin. I don’t onw any of these, but was able to track down a friend with a violin that has clearly seen better days. My first thought was that I would clean it up a bit, and then shoot it. After looking at it a bit I decided that it might be more fun to keep it as is and make a theme out of it. What do you think?



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