A new lighting setup to try for table top photography
On a recent rainy Saturday afternoon I decided to take some time to experiment with a new lighting setup that I learned at a recent macro photography seminar. The idea is to surround the subject with light from all angles, so that the subject see the light as if from one giant light source. This…
Good things happen when you play with your food!
A brief article about photographing chocolate cup cakes in a studio environment
Making Music with a Camera
Recently I had an opportunity to do a portrait session with a guitar player based out of New Hampshire. Just to give you some idea of the big sound that this little lady can create, take a minute and check out this sweet little video that she made. After that, pick your jaw up off…
Vintage Train Car Photographs
I made a recent trip down to Essex, Connecticut to visit the old steam railroad there. While my goal was to get some landscape photos from the train ride, I found myself much more interested in the train and the train cars themselves. They were amazing to look at, full of history, texture and details.…
Ponagansett Falls
One of my favorite places to go in Rhode Island has to be Ponagansett Falls in Scituate, Rhode Island. Different seasons, times of day and weather conditions all combine to allow for a wide variety of images. On this trip I arrived in late afternoon, just as a storm was clearing out and leaving clear…