Tag: Photo

  • Creating the initial HDR Photograph

    Creating the initial HDR Photograph

    My Proceesing for Creating the initial HDR Photograph   Welcome back folks, this article is a follow up to a few other articles that I have been working on about how I create my HDR photographs. In this pose we are going to concentrate on the initial HDR processing. Once I have completed shooting my…

  • Making Music with a Camera

    Making Music with a Camera

    Recently I had an opportunity to do a portrait session with a guitar player based out of New Hampshire. Just to give you some idea of the big sound that this little lady can create, take a minute and check out this sweet little video that she made. After that, pick your jaw up off…

  • Stormy Skies!

    Stormy Skies!

    On a recent Sunday morning the weather was looking pretty bleak – dark skies, torrential rain, and driving winds. My plans for shooting were looking pretty shot! However, as the day progressed the rain stopped and the wind died down. The sky was still gray and ominous, but that is when things can get interesting.

  • Project52 – Classical Music CD

    Project52 – Classical Music CD

    Every time I use my camera, I think I fall more in love with photography. It really allows me to express my creative side in ways that I never thought possible. One of the things that I am really enjoying about participating in Project52 is the assignments. The amount of thought that I am putting…

  • Project52 – What am I talking about???

    Several people have asked me recently “Mike, what exactly is Project52?”. Simply put, it is a 52 week project packed full of fun and challenging photography assignments that are designed to prepare an emerging photographer to go pro. This project is the brain child of Arizona photographer and lighting workshop teacher Don Giannatti. I originally…