Tag: Seascape Photography

  • A Blue Moon Over the Newport Bridge

    A Blue Moon Over the Newport Bridge

    One of my primary goals as a photographer is to try to capture an ordinary scene in an extraordinary way. I strongly believe that there is beauty all around us, and that we just need to slow down and take the time to see the possibilities. For months I have been patiently waiting to create this…

  • What motivates this photographer you ask?

    What motivates this photographer you ask?

    What really motivates me? As an active Rhode Island photographer, I participate in several online groups that are focused (pun fully intended!) on photography. In one group that I belong to we have weekly “challenges”, where we all share a photograph along a selected theme. The winner of a challenge gets to choose the next…

  • Lighthouse Photography Never Gets Old in the Ocean State

    Lighthouse Photography Never Gets Old in the Ocean State

    Photographing the Point Judith Lighthouse at Sunrise Chances are if you live anywhere in Rhode Island and own a camera then you have experimented a little bit with lighthouse photography. Maybe it was just informally on a family outing to one of the numerous parks around the state, but I bet you have a least one…

  • 20 Beautiful Examples of New England Seascape Photography

    20 Beautiful Examples of New England Seascape Photography

    Sharing The Approach to Creating My Seascape Art I was very flattered last summer when I was asked to do an educational presentation on my Seascape Photography to a local photography organization. Now when it comes to photography, I can talk. I am very passionate about my art, and I could talk about it for…

  • Peaceful Sunrise at Rocky Point

    Peaceful Sunrise at Rocky Point

    For over a hundred years, a parcel of land on the coast of Warwick was home to Rhode Island’s favorite amusement park, Rocky Point Park. As a child many summer days and nights were spent enjoying the rides at the park, listening to music and having a bite to eat on the rocks that gave…